Image by air_jordanpj. Retrieved from Flickr. Used under Creative Commons’ licensing.
Here’s the Trick:
In the spirit of Halloween,in our Just for Fun this week, CMLE shines a light on the time honored tradition of pumpkin carving which originated in the mid-1800’s. Learn more about this tradition at Hungry History, The Halloween Pumpkin: An American History(October 2013.) Then click on the following links to inspire your next carved creation;
In 1983, Michael Jackson released his iconic Thriller video. Just for fun, in the spirit of Halloween, CMLE also links you to an interesting remake by Braulio Cesar Linares called Library Thriller(8:39) featuring a young man struggling to follow library rules.
Image by Krossbow. Retrieved from Flickr. Used under Creative Commons’ licencing.
Just for fun, CMLE features a series by TEDEd called, Mysteries of Vernacular. This original educator’s series, consists of more than 20 video lessons pertaining to popular words such as x-ray, fizzle, gorgeous, etc. The origin of a word’s history, evolution, and application is tracked through a short, professionally animated, video.
Who is TEDEd?
“TED-Ed’s commitment is to creating lessons worth sharing as an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas…” Click here to read more.
Tip: Consider using these videos in a flipped classroom lesson.
Image by Jayneandd. Retrieved from Flickr. Used under Creative Common’s licensing.
This week CMLE would like to take a different approach to the perception of libraries. Take a minute (5:24 to be exact) to watch how books and libraries have spotlighted in the entertainment industry over the last few decades.
Tired, Dusty and Tattered! Photo by Roger Salz and retrieved from Flickr. Used under Creative Commons license.
My mother worked in a library for more 36 years before retiring and then re-entering the workforce to work in yet another library. And, throughout the last ten years, each member of my immediate family, including myself, has worked in a library. So to me the sight and smell of books brings back a host of familial memories. But I never really understood what created the unique scents of a book/book collection. I always suspected it was a concoction consisting of one part ink to two parts paper-lovingly combined with a pinch of dust. Did you know AbeBooks, a subsidiary of Inc., created a short video answering this very question. Click here to listen to their explanation.
In addition, if you are a hardback collector or book enthusiast, here is list of other quick videos you might finding interesting:
Tip: If you participate in student/class orientations for a library, consider using the video about The Parts of a Book to supplement your presentation.
Aiden with his Captain Underpants. Photo by Matt Ryall and retrieved from Flickr. Used under Creative Commons license.
During the summer a child’s day tends to be less structured than during a typical academic year. This may be an ideal time to reinforce the benefits of reading, especially while they have additional time to linger at the library. Dav Pilkey, best known as the author and illustrator of the Captain Underpants book series, created two fun and quick videos that draw unexpected outcomes that occur when children read.