American Libraries Live is a joint production of American Libraries and ALA Editions, units of the American Library Association.It is a free, streaming video broadcast about today’s library issues and trends. Each episode focuses on a specific issue affecting libraries and librarians, and features a panel of vendors and library industry experts engaged in a real-time discussion. By registering on-line, it allows viewers (you) the option to interact and ask questions with the hosts via a live chat format. This publication provides another opportunity for CMLE members to stay connected at a significant cost savings (stretching dollars).
In April, Sue Polanka, will lead a panel discussion on, “The Present and Future of e-Books.” This episode will air on Thursday, April 18th at 1pm Central time. You can register here!
If you were not able to view this month’s (March) broadcast about Library Safety & Security with Cathy Hakala-Ausperk and Brett Lear, click here for the recorded conversation now available on YouTube.
If you are interested in honing your reference skills to adapt to the world wide web, here is a free (60 minute) webinar sponsored by Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM). Join the discussion on Tuesday, April 2nd (2 pm-central) or Thursday, April 11th (noon-central).
For additional information or to register, click here.
Webjunction is offering a free (60 minute) webinar, “Engaging Stakeholders, the First Step to Creating a Digitally Inclusive Community” on Wednesday, April 10th starting at noon (CT). Using the model set by Broadband Rhode Island (BBRI) to create a process of engaging stakeholders in order to discuss technology access and use; each panelists will explain their involvement, how various sectors were engaged, the impact of NTIA funded projects upon the stakeholder engagement process, and how policy recommendations were created and prioritized. The target audience for this webinar should be local or state leaders (libraries, community-based organizations, government, business) interested in building digitally inclusive 21st century communities. Click here for additional information and registration.
Join Jennifer Birnel, Technology Trainer, Montana State Library on Wednesday, April 3rd at noon (Central Time) for a free webinar providing practical guidance on how libraries can help patrons with a variety of gadgets.
Birnel will share tips for how to set up realistic, formal training sessions and how to best offer one-on-one assistance with examples of practical training outlines, how-to guides, and video tutorials. Click here to register!
Are you a trainer seeking training? In January, CMLE highlighted an organization call WebJunction. As a learning site for libraries they provide online, self-paced courses to all members of the Minnesota library community. Each month you can elect to add a new course(s) to your professional development portfolio at no cost.
Here is a sample of this month’s FREE program:
Image provided by WebJunction
How Libraries can meet the Evolving Needs of Patrons in the Digital Age
The Future of Online Learning: a changing landscape
Self-Directed Achievement: if you give library staff an hour…
You can also take a sneak peek at the complete list of more than forty courses offered by WebJunction.
Partnering with libraries for visioning, advocating, and educating