Reading aloud to teens

bustle...Reading aloud is usually associated with young children, although recently, new efforts to read aloud to adults have surfaced too. But, what about teens?

With many story-time programs at schools and public libraries we create an environment where children hear, engage, and appreciate the stories that are being read to them. But can teens also benefit from being read to? A recent article in the School Library Journal (SLJ) says yes!

“Young people often listen at a higher comprehension level than they read,” says Jim Trelease, author of The Read-Aloud Handbook.  This fact allows teens to advance their reading skills just by listening. “While some educators may view reading aloud as a step backward pedagogically, or not the most productive use of class time, reading aloud can advance teens’ listening and literacy skills by piquing their interest in new and/or rigorous material.” The SLJ article continues, “It also builds what Trelease calls the “pleasure connection” between the young person and the book and the person reading aloud.”

And isn’t a pleasure in reading what we ultimately want?

Check out the whole SLJ article now for more details on how reading to teens can help them learn.

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