CMLE's Goodreads: Check out our picks for November!

Join our reading fun!


Hello, fellow book-loving library people!

Have you been taking part in CMLE’s Goodreads book group? For the month of October we read and discussed two books.In our CMLE Librarian Professionals group, we learned about getting organized and happy with The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. Our other group, CMLE Librarians Enjoying Books, had fun reading about a Minnesotan librarian and her helpful, conveniently magical, cats in Curiosity Thrilled the Cat by Sofie Kelly.

But November is quickly approaching! We are excited to announce our book choices for next month:

cover_good_2_gr8CMLE Librarian Professionals will be reading Good to Great – Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Other’s Don’t by Jim Collins. Goodreads summarizes the premise of the book as:  “But what about the company that is not born with great DNA? How can good companies, mediocre companies, even bad companies achieve enduring greatness?” We will discuss the ideas presented in the book and learn more about achieving success. You can read the author’s top 10 tips to improve your company in this article from

dewey-library-catCMLE Librarians Enjoying Books will read Dewey: The Small-Town Cat Who Touched the World by Vicki Myron. Dewey was abandoned in a library in Spencer, Iowa and eventually became the library’s cat. We are excited to read about his journey!

Watch this video featuring Dewey and friends:

Like last month, we’ll have limited copies available of each book to borrow, so let us know if you want to be put on the borrowing list.

We are looking forward to another month of reading!