“Work simply. Live fully.” This week CMLE focuses on the following work productivity tip from Work Simply, Carson Tate’s popular book. At CMLE, we’ve boiled down Tate’s wealth of knowledge from Work Simply to a few key points; please see the book for more detail and resources. At the bottom, see links to earlier tips in the series! Let’s all be our best selves….
This week’s activity:
Carson Tate states in her book Work Simply that “Delegating is a powerful skill that can boost productivity and build cohesive teams. Yet many of us resist it or do it poorly.” We need to fight the urge to “do it all” and look beyond past experiences of failed delegating where the work was incorrect or late. With clear communication and goals in mind, delegating can result in increased productivity and a more fulfilling work environment.
Recently, you discovered your own Productivity Style with a simple assessment. Encourage your co-workers to take the assessment to determine their Productivity Style.

Communicate more effectively with your team members by using their Productivity Style:
Delegating to a Prioritizer: Prioritizers work well with data and facts, so communication should be clear and to the point. When delegating, keep the conversation short and focus on the goal of the project and the available resources.
Delegating to a Planner: Planners appreciate in-depth and organized conversations that incorporate timelines. Provide them with any necessary procedures and rules, and make sure you discuss the time frame in which the project will be completed. Planners will also appreciate scheduling a timely follow-up after the project is done.
Delegating to an Arranger: Arrangers prefer conversations that are informal and free of hidden agendas. Let them know how this project will involve and impact others, and make sure you allow time for questions and further discussion about the project.
Delegating to a Visualizer: Visualizers work well when they understand why a project is important to the overall mission or goals of an organization. Don’t focus too much on details, and allow them to complete the project in their own way, as long as they are keeping the time frame in mind.
Previous tips in this series
- Welcome to Work Simply: Introduction to the series
- Tip 1: Mastering your attention
- Tip 2: Looking ahead to set your READY goals
- Tip 3: Managing your valuable time
- Tip 4: Make your Master Task List
- Tip 5: Working efficiently
- Tip 6: Strong email strategies
- Tip 7: Personalize your workspace
- Tip 8: Handle the paper chaos