Category Archives: Academic

Have you met CORA yet?


“Loyola Marymount University is pleased to announce the launch of CORA, the Community of Online Research Assignments. Pay a visit to CORA here: .

CORA is on online, open access repository of research and information literacy assignments. All assignments contributed to
the collection are released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by other educators, allowing the assignments to be enhanced by user feedback.

Assignments are searchable by discipline, information literacy concept, ability level, or keyword. There is also a “Teaching Toolkit” section with the following resource types: Pedagogy/Learning Theory, Assessment, Blog, Classroom Activity, Technology Tip, Subject Guide/Research Guide, Citation Tool, Info Lit Tutorial, and Syllabus. The development of CORA was funded by a SCELC Project Initiatives Fund grant. We welcome your contributions to this virtual community of practice! We especially welcome assignments related to source evaluation and fake news.

Susan Gardner Archambault, Head of Reference & Instruction | William H. Hannon Library | Loyola Marymount University |

Digitize your materials: It’s good!

From the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL):

The ACRL Instruction Section, Instructional Technologies Committee, has published their latest Tips and Trends article, “Digital Labs,” written by Suzanne Julian and Patricia McPherson. Tips and Trends introduces and discusses new, emerging or even familiar technologies that can be used in library instruction.  In the latest installment, learn about digital labs in academic libraries, the services they provide and how they can benefit library instruction. “Digital Labs” is freely available at

Our committee would like to see what’s happening at the digital lab in your library and invite you to share images to our Digital Labs album. We developed this album because we wanted to create a resource for digital lab personnel to highlight their space and a forum where those considering developing a digital lab or makerspace can turn to for ideas or inspiration. We welcome your contributions and encourage you to share it with colleagues who might want to share their work.

Working with license agreements? Share your ideas!

Questionmark copyright
CMLE members – we are passing on a survey for you to complete. Being part of a profession has many rewards, and also some responsibilities; and that includes sharing your ideas with your professional colleagues! So if you have info to share – here is your chance!

Dear Colleagues:

For a session at the upcoming Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference in April, we are asking for your assistance to provide direction for our discussion about how license agreements are managed and retained in libraries. Please take a few minutes to complete a brief survey (no more than 10 minutes) to share your views and experiences with license agreements.

Please click on the link below to access the survey.  We need a response by March 6.

For more information about the ER&L conference, visit the conference website:

Thank you for your time.

Susan & Betsy

Susan Davis                                                     Betsy Appleton

Interim Head of Acquisitions                       Electronic Resources Librarian

University at Buffalo (SUNY)                       St. Edward’s University

134 Lockwood Library                                   Munday Library

Buffalo, NY 14260-2210                                Austin, TX  78704

716-645-2784                                                  512-233-1679

716-645-5955 fax                                

Interested in an ACRL virtual focus group??

CMLE members: we are passing on some info on recent ACRL materials, and a chance for you to participate in a focus group to help them better serve you and your professional needs!

Dear Colleagues,

At its Fall Board Meeting on October 23, 2015, the ACRL Board of Directors approved the ACRL Libraries Transform Task Force to support the new ALA advocacy campaign and was charged to develop messages and resources that will address the needs of academic and research libraries using the new ALA campaign, Libraries Transform. Continue reading Interested in an ACRL virtual focus group??

Western Sydney University and ProQuest team up for free digital textbooks

Digital textbooks can encourage learning

Textbooks have long been a source of financial strain on college students, and can sometimes interfere with the accessibility of higher education as a whole.

To try and help with this issue, Western Sydney University and ProQuest teamed up to provide free digital textbooks to incoming university students through the University’s library. This article from No Shelf Required includes statements from both the University and ProQuest regarding the collaboration. Some of the goals for collaboration include making the cost of college more affordable, and textbooks more accessible, particularly to students with disabilities. The digital textbooks come from 60 academic publishers and can be accessed by students via Ebook Central which is ProQuest’s ebook platform. Continue reading Western Sydney University and ProQuest team up for free digital textbooks