Category Archives: Public

Tips on Connecting with the New Congress – From Stephanie Vance

The ALA Washington Office held a webinar on November 19, 2012 in which Stephanie Vance (The Advocacy Guru and keynote speaker at MLA 2012) gave an update on the recent elections and tips on how to connect (about library issues) with the new Congress (113th).  The video was recorded and is available at the following link, which also includes some additional materials referenced in the video.

Recommended App: P2K Money

The helpful website, Parents to Kids Money, has a fantastic free app available to teach kids about the responsibility of money and budgeting. The P2K Money app will teach kids how to create a budget, track their expenses, save their money, and spend wisely. It is an interactive, easy to use, app that allows them to input their “income” (allowance, mowing the lawn, babysitting, etc), expenses, and items on their wish list. Overtime, as they learn the value of careful spending, they will see their “available money” increase as well as the funds they’ve put aside for their wishlist item.

The P2K Money app is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. The app requires iOS 3.2 or later.

New York Times: 100 Notable Books of 2012

The New York Times just released their list of the 100 Notable Books of 2012. The list summarizes the best of the best in fiction, poetry & non-fiction in 2012.

How many have you read? Which one is next on your reading list?

I know which ones I will be requesting from my local library soon… Enchantments by Kathryn Harrison and Pure by Julianna Baggott.

Save the Date for MN Library Legislative Day at the Capitol

From: Mark Ranum, Director of Plum Creek Library System & MLA Legislative Committee Chair Elect

Please SAVE THE DATE for Minnesota Library Legislative Day at the Capitol.  We will be gathering on Wednesday, March 6, 2013 for our annual lobbying day on the hill.

Please share this date widely with library staff, boards, trustees, supporters, and advocates!

More details to follow.  As always, there will be an evening briefing on Tuesday, March 5 at 5 PM at a location near the Capitol and a morning briefing on Wednesday, March 6 at 9 AM in the MN Judicial Center room 230.

OCLC and Goodreads

My enjoyment and use of Goodreads continues, and I am encouraging family members, friends, and colleagues who count on me as their readers advisor to join me on Goodreads. Have you noticed that through a partnership with  OCLC (since 2007), you can pretty painlessly link to your home library to see if the item you are longing for on your “to-read list”  is available? It makes perfect sense for the two entities to partner up, and this union has provided greater visibility for libraries.   A new agreement pledges to improve Goodreads members’ experience of finding fresh, new things to read through libraries. It will also provide libraries with a way to reach this key group of dedicated readers through social media. Since 2007, Goodreads has sent more than 5 million web referrals to WorldCat, and it is hopeful that the expanded partnership will increase that number.
Go to for the minute details of this expanded partnership between OCLC and Goodreads.