Tag Archives: ACRL

Let’s Play in the ACRL Sandbox!

Sandbox-2013 The ACRL Framework Sandbox: sandbox.acrl.org is accepting contributions!

The Sandbox is an openly accessible platform and repository for librarians engaged with the Framework to discover and share classroom and professional development resources related to the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.

The Sandbox is a place of discovery and sharing that provides opportunities for collaboration and innovation in approaches to the Framework, both in the classroom and in terms of professional development.

Searching is freely available to everyone – you don’t need a login to start searching. And since the content of the Sandbox comes from you, the most important way you can celebrate the recent launch of the Sandbox is to contribute your Framework-related materials by creating a contributor account.

Jump into the Sandbox to share and learn from others!

–Framework for Information Literacy Advisory Board

OCLC and ACRL: Visualization tool evaluation

Want to earn a $35 Amazon.com gift card?

Participate in the evaluation of the visualization tool for our

ACRL OCLC Research Agenda Project

OCLC is working with the American Library Association, Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) to develop a research agenda for student learning and success. The agenda is based on a literature review of library and information science (LIS) and higher education documents together with interviews of academic library administrators and representatives from provost offices at academic institutions within the US. Part of the project includes a visualization tool to search the reviewed literature and to create visualizations. Continue reading OCLC and ACRL: Visualization tool evaluation

Looking for first year academic library instruction info!

Are you working with first year students in academic libraries? We are passing on a survey a group from ACRL. Share your ideas with them, and make everyone’s experience stronger!

Dear Colleagues,

We want to learn about your pedagogical approach to first-year student library instruction.  We are currently interviewing students, but want to learn from you as well. Our hope is to find a set of themes that can serve as a foundation for planning information literacy instruction that emphasizes students’ existing strengths in using information. Continue reading Looking for first year academic library instruction info!

Digitize your materials: It’s good!

From the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL):

The ACRL Instruction Section, Instructional Technologies Committee, has published their latest Tips and Trends article, “Digital Labs,” written by Suzanne Julian and Patricia McPherson. Tips and Trends introduces and discusses new, emerging or even familiar technologies that can be used in library instruction.  In the latest installment, learn about digital labs in academic libraries, the services they provide and how they can benefit library instruction. “Digital Labs” is freely available at http://bit.ly/tipsandtrendsfa16.

Our committee would like to see what’s happening at the digital lab in your library and invite you to share images to our Digital Labs album. We developed this album because we wanted to create a resource for digital lab personnel to highlight their space and a forum where those considering developing a digital lab or makerspace can turn to for ideas or inspiration. We welcome your contributions and encourage you to share it with colleagues who might want to share their work.

Interested in an ACRL virtual focus group??

CMLE members: we are passing on some info on recent ACRL materials, and a chance for you to participate in a focus group to help them better serve you and your professional needs!

Dear Colleagues,

At its Fall Board Meeting on October 23, 2015, the ACRL Board of Directors approved the ACRL Libraries Transform Task Force to support the new ALA advocacy campaign and was charged to develop messages and resources that will address the needs of academic and research libraries using the new ALA campaign, Libraries Transform. Continue reading Interested in an ACRL virtual focus group??