Tag Archives: fundraising

Help Amazon Smile on CMLE’s Members!

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We like our members! We like the work we do! And we really like providing all the support we do for those members!!

Cool things we are doing include:

  • paying out over $5000 in scholarships/mini-grants this year
  • paying for members to attend events, so we can all connect in person
  • paying for supplies for our continuing education classes
  • paying monthly fees for website hosting, podcast hosting (two of them!), security software, and other online services
  • paying for postcards and postage to connect important messages with our members, legislators, and other stakeholders

We love doing these things! They are part of what makes our jobs wonderful, and the feedback we get from our members warms our hearts every day.

And we start thinking: What could we do with just a liiiitle more money? For sure: jack up that scholarship/mini-grant fund! For sure: hire someone else to help us be out on the field with members more often! For sure: offer more continuing education events!

We want these things!

Our members want these things! And let’s face it: our members totally deserve these things, and they aren’t going to get the help we can provide from any other source.

But yeah: the “more money” isn’t going to happen.

We haven’t had a budget increase in eleven years – and there isn’t one coming our way any time soon.

Things happen, priorities are set, and…ultimately that’s pretty out of our hands. Sometimes, you just have to let things go.

So we are starting to look around for other funding sources. Our members need good work from us, and they need more than we can offer. It’s our responsibility to figure out how to get them what they need from us!

One of those strategies involves you. (Yes! I did mean you, specifically! *waves at you* Hi!!)

Are you an Amazon shopper? If so: Amazon has a structure to help donate money to us, without any pain (or even thought!) to you.

It’s their Amazon Smile program, and it lets you choose a charity to support with the profits Amazon is making from your purchase. You do nothing. Amazon figures it out, and will send us the money. We will use that money to do that stuff we talked about above: scholarships, grants, CE, and more.

Then every time you shop at Amazon, just go to Smile.Amazon.com (instead of Amazon.com), and buy stuff. Any stuff. Anything you would already buy there. Diapers, books, furniture, pillows, lawn mowers, laundry detergent – whatever you are already buying. Then, Amazon sends us a check.

Everyone is happy!

How do you participate? People: it could not be easier. (Okay, I guess it could be easier; but not much easier than doing nothing at all!)

From Amazon’s website:
“On your first visit to AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com), you are prompted to select a charitable organization from our list of eligible organizations. You can change your selection at any time.

To change your charitable organization:

  1. Sign in to smile.amazon.com on your desktop or mobile phone browser.
  2. From your desktop, go to Your Account from the navigation at the top of any page,
  3. Then select the option to Change your Charity. (NOTE: you can’t just search for us – we don’t turn up in the first page you see. You have to hit the Change Your Charity button, and search for use there.)
  4. Select a new charitable organization to support.
  5. Type Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange. (There will be a couple of other very nice organizations that also start with “Central Minnesota” – applaud them, and then pick CMLE to fund.)
  6. Bask in knowing that YOU are helping to support the wonderful libraries of CMLE!! (Maybe buy yourself something nice? We have hundreds of book suggestions on our podcasts! They even helpfully link to Amazon, for easy information access.)

For more information about the AmazonSmile program, go to http://smile.amazon.com/about.

As we get checks from Amazon, we will report back to tell you how we are spending this money on our members and their needs.


Canada's fireworks at the 2013 Celebration of Light in Vancouver, BC

Support CMLE: Shop at Amazon!

As the Minnesota multitype library systems prepare to enter our tenth year without a budget increase, we are looking for ways to diversify our income from other sources. We want to be able to provide more services and more programs to our members!  One easy way to help us to do this is by using Amazon.com.

Not available at Amazon, but she’s a big CMLE supporter!

Amazon provides a program called Amazon Associates. When people click through our site to buy things at Amazon.com, we get a small percentage of their profits on the sale.  You have probably seen some other libraries, nonprofits, and small businesses using this program.

What could you do to support CMLE? It’s easy!

Click on our website. Find stuff you like at Amazon.com. Buy it. Bask in the glow of supporting library services!

Aaaaaaannnnd…that’s it! Continue reading Support CMLE: Shop at Amazon!

100+ Ways To Creatively Reuse Old Magazines

If you are like me, magazines can reflect more of a love hate relationship. I love it when a new month of magazines arrive in the mail. However, after a few days of immersing myself within its pages, reading and then re-reading the articles, I am left with the question-what next? I had stacks of magazines formed by months and even years of filled subscriptions. So, two months ago I contacted my local librarian to see if the library would be interested in the publications. She instructed me on the types of magazines her customers would most likely be interested in.  This left me with a smaller, but still sizable, stack of unwanted magazines. This month I found a site that gave me 100+ inspirational tips (decor, make your own supplies, accessories, crafts for kids, etc.) on how to re-purpose these once loved glossy pages. I found many applications for my personal collection, who knows what this article might inspire in you or for your library?  Take a moment to search for some new ideas-just for fun!

Some rights reserved by Mannobhai
Some rights reserved by Mannobhai

CMLE is Looking for Fundraising Stories

dollarsCMLE staff are anxious to interview both school media specialists and librarians alike! We are looking for stories about how you have successfully raised funds to support your library or media center. For instance, we know that Mackin and Follett offer an online fundraising alternative to the usual book fair that many of you have been engaging in for quite some time now. Book fairs can serve tangible needs too like team building with your PTA/PTO, but the media center often gets little or none of the proceeds. With the online fundraising options, the media center often gets 100% of the raised dollars, and this option makes it very easy to solicit donations from any location. For instance, if Grandpa and Grandma are snowbirds when you are fundraising, they can still engage in the health and care of their grandchild’s school media center by making their donation online. In the case of Mackin, I also remember that their donation can even be reflected in the bookplate of the book! If you have a story to share (none too big or too small), either leave a comment below, or send email to cmle@stcloudstate.edu with Subject Line: Fundraising Story. Thank you in advance for sharing your story with your colleagues in Central Minnesota!

Schools Use Online Fundraising Methods

Is your entire school district in tight financial straits? Is everyone weary of cookie dough,  wrapping paper and magazine sales? Read about some new tools to assist your school in online fundraising. Four specific tools are mentioned to help your school get set up, and one, Adopt-A-Classroom, even allows fundraising for specific areas of the school, like the media center! The article is in Education Week and is available at http://tinyurl.com/9zazujd. Has your school already tried this? We would love to write up and share your story….comment on this post to flag us on your success or lessons learned.