Tag Archives: Minnesota

25th Annual Book Award Winners Are…

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Some rights reserved by StacieStacieStacie

This April, more than 800 people attended the 25th Annual Book Awards Gala in Minnesota. The Friends of the St. Paul Library announced the 2013 Annual Book Award winners in 8 categories.

  • Since 1988, Common Good Books has sponsored the Kay Sexton awards given to an individual or organization who is dedicated to fostering books, reading and literary activity within Minnesota. Robert Hedin, founding director of the Anderson Center for Interdisciplinary Studies is the 2013 honoree. Click here to learn more about Kay Sexton Award winners.
  • Also this month the Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA) recognized Jana Pullman as the winner of the 2013 Minnesota Book Artist Award.  This award is presented to a Minnesota book artist or book artist collaborative group for excellence throughout a body of work, as well as significant contributions to Minnesota’s book arts community.

Excellence in Our Schools!

CMLE member schools receive state-wide recognition!

Information in this post has been provided by Keith Hovis, MDE (keith.hovis@state.mn.us)


April 18, 2013

Minnesota Department of Education Recognizes 16 Schools for 

Excellence in Behavioral Prevention Efforts

ROSEVILLE – Today the Minnesota Department of Education recognized 16 schools for their successful efforts to create positive learning environments for students. Using a program called Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS), the schools designated as Sustaining Exemplar Schools, have been identified as leaders in establishing a comprehensive, set of practices to support positive behavior, improve school climate and increase student achievement.

“PBIS helps schools set clear expectations for students, teachers and families and to find new ways to address behavior issues,” said Commissioner Brenda Cassellius. “Each of these 16 schools showcases the benefits of creating respectful and supportive school climates and the positive impact on student achievement. By recognizing their success, we can help them to share their best practices with schools across Minnesota.”

The 16 schools being recognized are:

  • Chaska Middle School, Eastern Carver County Public Schools
  • King Elementary, Deer River Public School District
  • Maple Lake Elementary School, Maple Lake Public School District
  • Sheridan Arts Magnet School, Minneapolis Public School District
  • Sunnyside Elementary School, Mounds View Public School District
  • Valentine Hills Elementary, Mounds View Public School District
  • North Elementary, Princeton Public School District
  • Princeton Middle School, Princeton Public School District
  • South Elementary, Princeton Public School District
  • Apollo High School, St. Cloud Public School District
  • Oak Hill Community School, St. Cloud Public School District
  • Lincoln Elementary School, St. Cloud Public School District
  • St. Michael-Albertville Middle School East, St. Michael-Albertville School District
  • St. Michael-Albertville Middle School West, St. Michael-Albertville School District
  • United South Central K-12 School, United South Central School District
  • Matoska International School, White Bear Lake School District

Since its launch in 2005, PBIS has spread across the state and is currently being implemented by 423 Minnesota Schools, or 21 percent of the state’s nearly 2,000 schools. To establish a PBIS program, 80 percent of a school’s teachers and staff need to agree to implement a more positive approach to discipline. Participating schools then receive intensive training, support and coaching from teams at the Minnesota Department of Education, as well as instruction in how to monitor and track results. Data from participating schools show clear evidence of the program’s success, specifically in reduced number of behavioral incidents, fewer student suspensions and increased levels of student engagement.

To be identified as a Sustaining Exemplar School, staff needed to submit an application that documented their work with PBIS, including, professional outcomes, a plan for sustaining the program and how they are giving back and sharing their practices with other schools throughout the state. Schools must also have been implementing PBIS for at least three years.

Thinking About Moving to A Bookstore Model in Your Library?

C_Robbinsdale_schoolsRobbinsdale School of Engineering and Arts (SEA): A K-5 Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics magnet school, has adopted a “bookstore” model for arranging their collection.

SEA is hosting a free library media center tour on Wednesday, May 15th. Open house begins at 4:30, with a short presentation about how and why SEA made the transition beginning at 5:00 pm. Representatives from Mackin will also be available to answer questions about processing.

Please RSVP: http://bit.ly/Yu0fUk

Map: http://mapq.st/yjF7jh

Minneapolis Schools Transform Learning

Some rights reserved by Kev_Hickey_UK
Some rights reserved by Kev_Hickey_UK

An article in the April 9th Star Tribune gives helpful detail about efforts to embed technology in the Eden Prairie, Minnetonka, and Bloomington schools.

Read more to hear what kinds of tablets were used and what Microsoft and Best Buy added to the resource base to make transformative learning come alive in these metro schools.

Evy Nordley Award Worth $1,000!

MALF LogoSince 1998, the MN Association of Library Friends (MALF) has presented the Evy Nordley Award for quality programming and project innovation. Nominations are now being accepted for this award.

If you know of a Friends group that has made a difference in your library, take a moment and share their success story. The top finalists will have an opportunity to present at the annual Minnesota Library Association (MLA ) conference in October. First prize winner will walk away with $1000! For more information visit the MALF’s website.