Tag Archives: Technology

Robotics Workshop at Saint John’s University!

Robotics Workshop
Wednesday, July 11th
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
SJU Alcuin 391 – Saint John’s University

Registration is limited to 18 people – Lunch will be included

CEUs will be provided to attendees


Registration Form

Robotics are an innovative technology for learning in the classroom.  Robotics incorporate computer science principles, but the learning possibilities are exponential when robotics are used as teaching tools for academic concepts.  In this session, attendees will be introduced to robotics, learn how they can be integrated in the classroom, and explore effective pedagogical practices. Within robotics instruction there are two key approaches that can be taken: learning to code and coding to learn.  We will explore both methods and discuss how learning to code emphasizes computer science and computational thinking, while coding to learn emphasizes using robotics as tools to enhance learning.

The robots we will be focusing on during this session are Dash & Dot, Code and Go Mouse, Blue-bot, Ozobot, and Sphero.  We will explore how robotics can be used to teach both computer science and computational thinking as well as content area standards in all academic areas.  Computer science standards are required in some states and many schools now offer AP Computer science courses, but exposure at a primary level are limited. To become ready for today’s workforce, computer science and computational thinking are gaining popularity in education with robotics.  In order to make instruction meaningful, we will examine best practices when teaching with robotics like the SAMR model, TPACK framework, and ISTE standards. Finally, we will explore resources for funding and further support to incorporate robotics into your school.

This session is perfect for K-12 teachers, administrators, and library/media staff who want to learn more about robotics.  Higher education professionals may also find this session engaging to learn how robotics can be used to educate pre-service teachers. Attendees will be provided with materials to take home and start using with your students immediately.  Come learn about robotics with us!

Learning Objectives

  • Attendees will be introduced to a variety of robotics and learn how they can be used in the classroom.
  • Understand how to incorporate robotics in standards based lessons
  • Explore effective pedagogical practices, funding resources, and support.


Episode 211: Technology Training for Library Staff

Contents of our information page:
  • Introduction
  • Background
  • A Few Technology Training Resources
  • Books We are Reading
  • Conclusion

Today we are talking about one of the biggies in the world of library work: Technology training. We all know it’s tough to keep up with the tech we need to use, and it can be even more complicated to help patrons to use their own tech! To help us with this, we have a Guest Host: Angie Kalthoff, Technology Integrationist in St Cloud School District 742.

One of the “fun” things about technology training is that it is never done. You will never know enough, and the field will always keep changing. Don’t get discouraged! Just adjust your own framework to know that there will forever be something new and interesting and cool out there – and you will keep discovering these things and keep learning new skills! (Continuous learning is not only important for continued job success, but helps to keep your brain agile as you get older. So for those of us who are aging rapidly (all of us!), tech is a tool to keep us young!)

Remember: CMLE is here to help you with training! If we don’t have the material here for you, we will help you find it.

Want to talk with us about this topic? Do you, your staff, or your organization need training in this topic? Want to write a policy, or develop a program? We are here for you!
Click here to get started!

Question: Digital preservation: fixity checks/virus scans

Two women operating ENIAC (U.S. Army Photo)

We are passing on a request for help that you might also have; and a few answers sent in to help. If you have other suggestions, please post them to the comments!

“I’m the archivist and part of a digital preservation team at a small Catholic academic library.  We have about 1500 full-time students.  Some colleagues and I attended a Digital POWRR preservation workshop last year (which I highly recommend if it makes its way to your area).  As part of our action plan to strengthen our digital file preservation methods and storage capabilities, we’re wondering what software/tools other similarly-sized academic libraries/archives are using for fixity checks and virus scans.

We learned about some tools at the workshop, but we’re not sure what’s best for our particular situation, and our campus IT department wants us to research what other benchmark institutions are using.  We are NOT looking for a complete software package that includes hosting our files.  Our files are hosted on the university server and will soon be backed up to cloud service.  We just need recommendations for fixity checks and virus scans.

If anyone is doing something similar, can you tell me more about what products you are using for fixity checks and virus scans, and if you recommend them?  Is there a one-time cost to implement the tools or do we need to allocate money annually for digital preservation?

Anything else you would like to share about digital preservation, including written preservation plans, would also be helpful.

Thank you in advance!


Continue reading Question: Digital preservation: fixity checks/virus scans

The Best Ransomware Protection of 2017

Ransomware-pic(excerpt of this article is below!)

“When ransomware turns your most important files into encrypted gibberish, and paying big bucks to get those files back is your only choice, you’re in big trouble. One of these top-performing utilities is your best bet to stay safe.

Ransomware on the Rise

Bank robber Willie Sutton reputedly explained that he robbed banks because “that’s where the money is.” That same logic applies to the malefactors who write malware—they’re in it for the money. Stealing and selling credit card numbers, renting out botnets to spread spam, these are penny-ante operations. The real money is in ransomware, and so it’s a growing threat. When your essential files (or business documents) are encrypted, locking you out of them, chances are you will at least consider paying a considerable price to get them back if you don’t have them backed up. Ransomware is on the rise, but so are techniques to defeat ransomware attacks. Continue reading The Best Ransomware Protection of 2017

Museum Computer Network Gives Scholarship


“The Museum Computer Network (mcn.edu) was founded in 1967 with the purpose of supporting professionals who seek to transform the way their cultural organizations reach, engage, and educate their audiences using digital technologies. Every year MCN explores topics of relevance to museum practitioners working with, or affected by, digital media and technology. In 2017, MCN is focusing on how museums can use technology to innovate and emphasize transparency, individual action, and institutional bravery. As we celebrate our 50th anniversary in Pittsburgh, we welcome applications for our scholarship program.

MCN is offering scholarships for 15 qualified applicants to attend the annual conference.
Continue reading Museum Computer Network Gives Scholarship