AASL Recommended App: Humanities & Arts: MoMA Art Lab

moma_art_labIn June 2016, the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) announced their 25 Best Apps for Teaching and Learning. The apps encourage qualities such as innovation and active participation, and are user-friendly.

The app MoMa Art Lab introduces young students to modern art and allows them to create their own art in a variety of ways. Some of the activities include experimenting with paint, making a sound composition or line design, and creating a chance collage. Famous artists and their work that are featured in the app include Henry Matisse, Elizabeth Murray, Brice Marden, and more. To help with literacy skills, try the Create a Shape Poem activity which uses adjectives to identify parts of a free form drawing. The app does include parental controls, and also allows users to store and share their artwork.

Cost: Free!
Level: Elementary and up
Platforms: iOS

Check out some reviews from teachers via Common Sense Education, then read about this teacher’s experience with using the app in her classroom.

Watch the trailer now: