Category Archives: Academic

Retirements or staffing updates?

calm moodAs the academic year draws to a close, we ask to be made aware of any staffing changes in your location! If you or someone you know is planning to change work locations, or retire, please let us know! We want to be sure to extend a big congratulations to the retirees, and also make sure to keep our contacts up to date with any job changes or new personnel. If our contacts are not kept updated, we run the risk of losing touch entirely with certain locations.

If there have been any special achievements or awards won, we’d like to know that too!

Please send any updates or information you may have to Thank you for your help!

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Funny library jokes

smiling coffeeAllow these library themed jokes to tickle your funny bone. More can be found here.

Q: Why didn’t the thief burgle the library?
A: Because he was afraid the judge would give him a long sentence.

Q: What did one book say to the other one?
A: I just wanted to see if we were on the same page.

Q: What do you do if your pet starts eating your library book?
A: Take the words right out of their mouth.

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY 2.0

Best Virtual Reality headsets

photo-1460312500225-ee9e39a130472016 seems to be the year of virtual reality. From Google Cardboard to Oculus Rift, VR is all the buzz! But how can you get started without spending a day filled with VR research? PCMag recently highlighted the best virtual reality headsets that can fill your vision with 360 degrees of reality. From mobile to tethered options, they do a deep-dive into all the current VR favorites.

Check out the whole list now!

Need a cheap VR option? Check out our write-up about Google Cardboard.

Image credit: (Ian Baldwin), licensed under CC0 1.0

St. John's Alcuin Library is under construction!

public-domain-images-free-stock-photos-high-quality-resolution-downloads-public-domain-archive-10Time for an update! Beginning May 9th and scheduled to be completed by January 2017, the Alcuin Library at St. John’s University will be undergoing a renovation and addition.

This article from the St. Cloud Times explains the project will cost $25 million and will add 22,000 square feet.

There are three main goals the renovation and addition of a learning commons hope to fulfill:

  1. Allow students to study and mingle together
  2. Help students access emerging technologies while guided by input from professionals
  3. Accommodate the changing teaching and learning styles that encourage collaboration

The updated library will also feature more opportunities for group and creative work, with a 3-D printer, media studio, and virtual reality devices.

Finally, the writing and data analysis assistance available to students will be located in the library for easier access.

Check out the article for links to floor plans and more information!

Image credit:


CMLE Weekly Review: 4/28/2016

This issue of the weekly review recaps our blog posts from April 21-27, 2016

CMLE Updates: State & Regional News
– From the Director: I am retiring! More
– Makerspace 101 More
– Check out the new catalog at GRRL More

Upcoming Events and Registration Information
– MN library events calendar, provided by MN Multitypes More
– Last call for registrations for May 5th event at SCTCC! Participants receive a free book! Celebrate the new SCTCC library, author Jess Lourey, and eBooks MN More

Tech Bits and Ideas
– Using Chromebooks? Check out these six tips for video creation More

Resources You Can Use
– Did you know? Hennepin County one of the 2016 library building award winners! More
– AASL recommended app – Pixel Press Floors More
– Top teen reads from YALSA More

Food For Thought
– How do YOU save the users time? More

Just For Fun
– Book titles for cats! More