Tag Archives: renovation

We hit the road! CMLE visits St. John’s University Library

As part of our commitment to ensuring CMLE members have a lot of opportunities to meet each other in person, to chat about libraries, and to admire the libraries of other members, we are visiting CMLE libraries as a group. And this month we visited the newly renovated St John’s University Alcuin Library!

We’ve shared news of this renovation before, and many members have asked us about their progress. So this was a particularly fun visit, as none of us had seen the final product! (There is still more renovation underway; and should be finished before students start the Fall 2017 semester.)

Thank you to Kathy Parker and her wonderful staff for setting this up for us, and for being such gracious hosts!

We immediately felt welcomed to this lovely library with our own room, and a nice sign! Orville, the CMLE Office Bear, immediately relaxed in this environment, and enjoyed some of the snacks provided. Continue reading We hit the road! CMLE visits St. John’s University Library

St. John's Alcuin Library is under construction!

public-domain-images-free-stock-photos-high-quality-resolution-downloads-public-domain-archive-10Time for an update! Beginning May 9th and scheduled to be completed by January 2017, the Alcuin Library at St. John’s University will be undergoing a renovation and addition.

This article from the St. Cloud Times explains the project will cost $25 million and will add 22,000 square feet.

There are three main goals the renovation and addition of a learning commons hope to fulfill:

  1. Allow students to study and mingle together
  2. Help students access emerging technologies while guided by input from professionals
  3. Accommodate the changing teaching and learning styles that encourage collaboration

The updated library will also feature more opportunities for group and creative work, with a 3-D printer, media studio, and virtual reality devices.

Finally, the writing and data analysis assistance available to students will be located in the library for easier access.

Check out the article for links to floor plans and more information!

Image credit: http://tinyurl.com/neduyy4