Category Archives: Check this out:

Recommended Ed Tech Tool: DigitalLearn!

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Some rights reserved by Wikimedia Foundation

Digital is a new beta website-launched this month!

If you have learners that struggle with the computer basics this site is for you. It provides free tools, techniques and tips to help build confidence with technology (email, internet searching, etc.) It is sponsored by the Public Libraries Association (PLA) and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, however the tutorials can be viewed by any patron looking for help.

The main page is divided into two sections, one for the patrons (learn) and the other for support staff  (help learners).  The link for support staff will take you to a form to request additional information about future services and tools; so for a quick application of this ed-tech tool the “learn” tab will be extremely useful.

Please keep in mind that because this is a new beta site, the contents will continue to grow over time!

Recommended Ed Tech Tool & App: QR Codes!

Some rights reserved by Mashable
Some rights reserved by Mashable

Have you seen these before?

Quick Response Codes (QR Codes) consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded can be made up of  virtually any kind of data. If you have a mobile device that uses smart technology (IPhone, Android, IPad, etc.) you can download an app that will read these two-dimensional (matrix) codes.

Originally QR codes were designed for the automotive industry to store large amounts of production information. More recently, the system has become popular across any industry type due to accessibility, readability and large storage capacity (compared to standard UPC barcodes). Today its has any number of applications for anyone looking to market to a tech savvy customer without the need for large layout space.  If you are interested in creating your own QR code all it takes is a free QR code writer and you can begin placing them on any printable surface.

Check back next week, CMLE will feature a member library who is using this little box in a big way.

Everyone On?

This post has been written by Nancy Walton, Minnesota State Librarian

  • While the focus of this message is on public libraries, the understanding is that other libraries and may be interested in leveraging this campaign. More information will be available over time.

On March 21st, Connect2Compete (C2C),, launched a 3-year national public service campaign to promote digital literacy called EveryoneOn, The key message of the campaign is to encourage limited or non-Internet users to learn how to do “one thing better online”. Public libraries and their community partners are key to the success of this effort due to their demonstrated commitment to providing free access to the Internet as well as to improving people’s skills (e.g. using a mouse, applying for jobs online, creating email accounts, and so much more). While some libraries offer formal classes, all libraries offer public access computers and skilled assistance to patrons at point-of-use.

EveryoneOn Campaign Materials:

Libraries and community partners can begin using these campaign materials at any time via this Ad Council website for EveryoneOn, Additional campaign materials for EveryoneOn, including logos, graphics and examples of public service announcements are expected to be made available later this month. Libraries and their community partners will have full access to these campaign materials to promote digital literacy in local communities.

With some preliminary support from the Ad Council, the St. Paul Public Library did a Kickoff event today – 3-21 On! Kickoff. Check their Facebook page for photos!

EveryoneOn is designed to raise awareness of the importance of digital literacy skills – which libraries have embraced for years. This is a great opportunity to promote public libraries as a trusted and valuable provider of free public access technology and training as we strive to build stronger communities.


Libraries will be invited to view a webinar that will discuss EveryoneOn, including campaign toolkit materials and how they might be used.

Training Locator Database:

Connect2Compete is creating a Training Locator database with details about the services and resources the library and their community partners make available to help people learn digital literacy skills or access the Internet. Using information from the Institute of Museums and Library Services and the American Library Association, Connect2Compete has created a database of information about public libraries in the United States.

The database will power a Training Locator tool for people interested in finding digital literacy training or public access computers in their area. A 1-800 phone number will also be available with this information for those without internet access.

Important Notes to Minnesota Library Staff:

  1. Your help may be needed to update this database with information about what each library location/branch currently offers.
  2. We are advising Minnesota libraries to wait to update their entries until further notice. C2C had a tight launch timeframe, and they will be tweaking the data load for Minnesota libraries. While instructions and a link for updating the Training Locator database are on the Connect2Compete site, we suggest you wait to update Minnesota library entries until further notice from Minnesota State Library Services to avoid possible duplication of effort.
  3. Your help to promote the database will be needed in the future. At the moment, C2C is resolving known search problems. So, if you play with the Locator and encounter challenges, try again in a few days. C2C considers 3/21 a “soft launch” for EveryoneOn.

Look for more information soon! If any questions, please contact Mary Ann Van Cura (651-582-8632 or


Nancy Walton, Director & State Librarian

Ideas That Were Ahead of Their Time!

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Some rights reserved by Pictofigo

Did you ever have what you thought was a great idea-but the timing was off?

This week CMLE takes a look back at six innovative ideas that were merely a few years ahead of their time. However, today some of these cast-offs have become ingrained in our everyday lives.

I guess timing truly is everything! Click here-Just for Fun!

Webinar: New Strategies to Access eBooks!

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Some rights reserved by Wishpond

Electronic Books (eBooks) are growing in popularity among avid readers. As a result, libraries have begun to integrate digital materials in their collections for patrons. However, commercially available publications often include some kind of digital rights management (DRM) that limit or prohibit sharing. As the eBook trend continues to grow, libraries themselves can become vital participants in the emerging models for eBook sharing, content creation and delivery.

On Tuesday, April 30th, Webjunction will be hosting a free webinar at noon (Central Time). Click here for additional information.