Category Archives: CMLE

Day Thirty Six of the CMLE Summer Fun Library Tour!

The Book Depository

The Book Depository is a great place to buy books online – and you can see it happen in real time!

You can check out this map, and watch live sales as book titles pop up around the globe to see not only what was bought but where. It’s pretty hypnotic – check it out!

Book Depository

Welcome to Book Depository, the world’s leading specialist online bookstore. We’re proud to offer over 17 million titles, all at unbeatable prices with free delivery worldwide to over 100 countries. Whatever your interest or passion, you’ll find something interesting in our bookshop full of delights.How is it going?
Book Depository is the fastest growing bookseller in Europe, shipping to thousands of customers every day throughout the world from our fulfilment centre in Gloucester, United Kingdom. We have over a million customers and a reputation for extremely high service levels.The Long Tail: why are we making as many books available as possible?
Of the 30 million titles ever printed in the English language only a few million of these are in print. We are seeking to make available as many of these titles as possible (and working to do the same with foreign language titles). This way, we will have the largest breadth of titles available in the world.

Publishers and Distributors
We want to offer as many books as possible and we are very keen to talk to publishers and distributors about supply arrangements.”

Join CMLE for dinner and socializing July 20th!

We are looking forward to our summer social event, when we will be able to get together for some great food and fun talk about libraries!

Based on a recent poll, this will be a dinner event. This is the first of two summer social events, since we want to try to make it as easy as possible for members and library people to attend!

Thursday, July 20th
5:30 pm
The White Horse
809 West Saint Germain, St Cloud, MN 56301

 The White Horse Restaurant and Bar doesn’t take reservations so CMLE staff will arrive a little early to hold a table or two.

We really enjoyed having our social events in the winter and spring; and are looking forward to hearing from you guys about your summer work, any plans you are making for upcoming programs, and any other interesting library things you want to share! (And it’s ALL interesting when it comes to library stuff!!)

So join us on Thursday July 20th and we’ll have some happy library conversation and enjoy some good food! Email us with any questions, and we hope to see you there! 🙂

Please RSVP if you can, it will make our planning easier!

Are you attending Thurs 7/20?


American Libraries Association Annual Conference: Chicago June 2017

ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition, Chicago, June 22-27, 2017. Transforming our libraries, ourselves.

At CMLE we always encourage people to attend conferences. It’s a great way to keep up on interesting developments in the profession, to find people who do what you do professionally, and to enjoy yourself with a bunch of other library people! You can learn things, meet people, and make all kinds of connections in a way that takes longer and is harder to do online.

Note: The Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference, and the ITEM Annual Conference are both coming up in October!! We have scholarship money for you, to help defray the cost! These are just great opportunities for you, no matter what you do in a library; so consider attending! You can always contact us here at CMLE to ask questions about conferences, to talk about ideas you have, or just to get tips on attending.

Below is a quick recap of my trip to the ALA Annual Conference. This is such a huge conference that any individual look at it is just overwhelming with the amount of possible things to do, people to meet, and information to absorb! Browse around the website for yourself, to find all kinds of info; and check on social media to follow the #ALALeftBehind hashtag. If you are in a library or archive or museum or history center, or even if you just like books – this is YOUR conference!!

It is held this week  every year – please check it out for yourself in future years! There is also a Midwinter conference every year in late January, where the focus is on vendor exhibits and meetings with committees. Check out the meeting locations for the next ten years, so you can start making plans to attend now! (There are several coming up in Chicago over the next few years; this is ALA’s home, and being so close to us is a real bonus!)

There were more than 700 vendors at this conference, and you can see them all here. Hundreds of authors were there; you can see them all here. Over 2,000 sessions were held, on every topic you can imagine (and some that will boggle your mind!); you can browse all of them here. Whether or not you were able to attend a session, if something seems really important to you, or valuable to your work, or you just get excited about the topic, you can contact the presenter directly (do some Googling!)  and ask for information or slides or any handouts. Most presenters are happy to share their information – that is why they are at the conference. And as a frequent conference presenter myself, I can say that it feels great when people are interested in your work!

We will have all kinds of material available here at CMLE HQ; so feel free to come look through it all! Yes, I also picked up a lot of giveaways for you guys! We will be distributing out Advance Reader Copies (ACRs) of books not yet published, all kinds of pins to show library pride, posters, and other assorted items! (I have a plastic sandwich holder for some lucky person!) We will get some of this up on our website, so you know what we have available; but don’t hesitate to stop by and just browse! We have two large flat-rate post office boxes full of stuff, plus my backpack jammed full of things, plus a Trader Joe’s canvas bag stuffed with material we want to share with you. Make our distribution work easier by coming over to browse for yourself!

Continue reading American Libraries Association Annual Conference: Chicago June 2017

CMLE Summer Social Activities!

You know how much we like to hang out with our members (and other library friends!); and we miss you when things are slower in the summertime!

After our recent poll to see what things people might want to do to gather and chat libraries (and other fun stuff!) this summer, we are setting up a few events. Our top vote-getters in different categories were for dinner and tea time, and to have meals/chatting instead of discussions or postcard parties. Our top locations people want to go were St Cloud and Cambridge.  So we are starting with these, but can expand these if people want to have more opportunities to get together and chat about library stuff!

  • Thursday, July 20 at 5:30pm We will be at the White Horse Restaurant and Bar: 809 West Saint Germain, St Cloud, MN 56301. They do not take reservations, so we will plan to just be a few minutes early and to hold a table (or two!) as library people come in.
  • We are rescheduling our Cambridge event! If you have a place you would like to meet, just check in!

There were also a number of votes from people who just wanted an opportunity to drop into CMLE’s Headquarters (570 1st Street SE, St Cloud, MN 56304). So we are setting up HQ Office Hours! Of course, members are always welcome to drop in to chat about things or to come by and ask focused questions about projects, planning, and any other library topic at any time. (We love guests!) This will just provide a definite time where we will be in the office, and ready to chat with you!

Starting Wednesday, July 12, and every other Wednesday after that (we define this as: all Wednesdays with an even numbered date), we will be in the office from 11:00 to 1:00, and ready to chat about writing policies, working through materials selections, negotiating with vendors, planning your website or social media, going to conferences as a presenter or an attendee, zines/manga/pop culture coolness, or anything else you want to discuss! Would you like to just come say hi for a minute, and put a face to our names? Do it! You can test out the bike desks, see the plants and ever-changing seasonal decorations, and check in on Orville The Official Office Bear! No need to call ahead, just drop in and we will be happy to see you.

And of course, if you want to casually chat at other times, just check in and we will set up a time. We are not formal here – we just want to hang out and talk about libraries!

We are looking forward to seeing you this summer, and hearing all about your adventures!