As always, CMLE works to keep you informed on news around the profession. In this case, we are sharing the official American Libraries Association (ALA) stand on recent actions taken by the new administration because we want you to know what is happening, and to give you some ideas and details from your professional body. CMLE is not a political organization, but we support the values of the profession, including a free flow of information; and we always support the best libraries and the best service to our communities!
There are links you can use here to build your own advocacy skills, and of course we are always happy to help you in advocating for your library and for your community!!Talk to your legislators, and other stakeholders, to be sure your own voice is heard!
If it has been a while since you read through our professional Code of Ethics, this is a good time to do so. (We have the entire thing after the page break, for your convenience!)
The work libraries do to support their communities is important; keep reminding everyone of the value we bring! Continue reading ALA opposes new administration policies that contradict core values →