A new kind of communication in the library world! Landing Your Ideal Library JobFeaturing David Connolly, manager of the ALA JobLIST site Thursday, January 10, 1:00pm In January American Libraries Live will focus on the library job market and challenges that librarians are facing in navigating it. Along with David Connolly, the discussion panel will include Bohyun Watch host Dan Freeman and David Connolly discuss American Libraries Live and the upcoming program here: American Libraries Live is a free, streaming video broadcast that you can view from your home, library, or on the go. These programs allow you to watch broadcasts about library issues and trends in real time. Tune in and interact with our hosts via a live chat for immediate answers to your pressing questions The programs are easy to view—just go to American Libraries Live. Upcoming broadcasts include:
American Libraries Live – a free service offering new and exciting ways to explore real issues in our industry. |
Tag Archives: professional development
New Models for Professional Development?
When I was at the October MEMO Conference, I heard media specialists talking about new ways to provide professional development to their teachers. Some were doing screencasting of the content they needed to teach, then were putting that captured video in a handy place on their website for teachers. In this model, teachers could access the lesson at the precise time they needed to learn. This model is sometimes referred to as “just in time” learning.
Others were talking about structured events where teachers worked in groups to learn about using new tools or methods to deliver their curriculum. Apparently, a strong bond developed amongst teachers who worked together in these groups. So when I saw the following post on the SmartBrief/SmartBlog on Education blog, talking about teacher learning communities, I was intrigued. According to the post, “The one-size-fits-all model of professional development available to most teachers does not work, veteran teacher Katrina Stevens writes in this blog post. Stevens suggests a learning community model with daily, ongoing PD focused on student learning. “In order to successfully implement new practices and improve student learning, a learning community needs to 1) focus its efforts, 2) work collaboratively, 3) be willing to reflect and examine what’s working and 4) be willing to make adjustments when they aren’t seeing the desired outcomes for students,” she writes. Read the full blog post at SmartBrief/SmartBlog on Education
This is well and good for how we work with teachers and students, but what about media specialists? How do you learn best? Is there a learning community model that best fits your needs? If there isn’t one, could we build one?
Register for Ebooks and K-12 School Media: Video Presentations and Discussion!
Register today for Ebooks and K-12 School Media: Video Presentations and Discussion!
School Media personnel from Central MN
RJ’s American Grill and Bar, St. Cloud
Tuesday, January 8, 3:30 PM-7:00 PM
School Media personnel, please join your colleagues from around the region for this local event with outstanding national content!! Recently, CMLE staff participated in the virtual SEFLIN eBook conference called eBooks: Benefits, Challenges, and the Future, and paid for group access to the recordings of the five national presenters. We selected the messages of national e-book experts, Sue Polanka and Chad Mairn, as being of most interest to you for this first event. Besides listening to their best thinking on e-books, we would like to offer this opportunity to network informally and discuss local e-book developments and ideas too. CMLE is hosting and arranging this event.
Come ready to listen, engage, discuss, and eat pizza!!
Cost: $5.00/person, please pay at the door!
3:30-3:45 Introductions & logistics
3:45 – 4:45 Sue Polanka (Head of Reference and Instruction, Wright State Universities Libraries) – eBook Licensing and Access: Now and in the Future
This session will analyze barriers to ebook lending models currently available for libraries including licensing, packaging, DRM, use models, and pricing. Trends in the publishing industry such as self-publishing, enhanced ebooks and digital textbooks, which may impact libraries, will be highlighted, demonstrating new opportunities for the future.
4:45-5:15 Group Discussion
5:15 – 5:30 Break and pizza!
5:30 – 6:30 Chad Mairn (Information Services Librarian and adjunct professor at St. Petersburg College & Chief Technology Officer, Novare Library Services) – Getting the Most from Your eBook Readers: Tips and Tricks
New examples of electronic reading material — e-books, e-magazines, e-textbooks — are appearing every day as well as devices and software to read them on. Accessing, transferring, and interacting with electronic text via Nooks, Kindles, and other e-reading devices, however, can be complicated. Join Chad Mairn as he offers tips and tricks for library staff to help their patrons use their e-reading devices to their full potential. This session will include information on: dedicated and non-dedicated e-readers, new and innovative e-reading devices and software, current and upcoming e-formats, digital Rights Management, privacy issues, and emerging technologies impacting reading in a digital age.
6:30 – 7:00 Group Discussion
Registration is requested. Deadline is end of day on Friday, January 4. Register at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/EbooksandSchoolMedia
Please pay at the door.
We hope you’ll join us! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
WebJunction MN Webinars
Check out the WebJunction Events Calendar to see the list of new, free webinars that are available to the full Minitex library community. The calendar also provides access to archived versions of recent webinars.
Several upcoming webinars available to the full library community are:
Outreach Programs in Rural Communities: Simple Steps for Surprising Results
Thursday, Dec. 6, 1 p.m. Central
What Would Walt Do?: Quality Customer Service for Libraries
Wednesday, Dec. 12, noon Central
The Impact of an Ice Cream Sundae
Tuesday, Jan. 15, 1 p.m. Central
Creating a Culture of Innovation in your Library and Community
Wednesday, Jan. 23, noon Central
Apply today for MILE 2013!
From MILE 2013:
The Minnesota Library Association’s Institute for Leadership Excellence (MILE) will help you discover the leader within yourself and give you tools to learn how to lead effectively today—even if your current position isn’t one of leadership.
During this four-day conference, selected participants will spend their days in an intimate conference setting with 24 other emerging library leaders from across the state. They will learn about using improvisational humor and creative idea generation to foster creative approaches to problem solving and strategic planning, discover their personal strengths, and learn to lead no matter what their current library position may be. Participants will also become involved in an ongoing mentoring relationship.
Applications for participation will be accepted through Friday, January 11, 2013. Accepted participants will be notified in February.
Learn more and apply today at http://milethirteen.weebly.com/index.html