Results of Blue Skunk PLN Survey

TwitterWords. mrsdkrebs
Image by Mrsdlrebs. Retrieved from Flickr. Used under Creative Commons licensing.

In a recent post, you may have noticed that Doug Johnson’s Blue Skunk blog was named in the top 50 list of school library blogs. Doug used that platform to his advantage to encourage followers to take his survey on Professional Learning Network (PLN) Tools. Within a week or so, Doug had 513 responses; a good and fast response! Some interesting facts follow, but please read Doug’s full blog post to read more about other highlights or possible  limitations of the survey.

  • PLN means different things to different people.
  • Professionals are connected and those connections, while maybe changing in some ways, are getting stronger overall.
  • Three most used PLN tools were: social bookmarking sites, webinars, and blogs
  • Three least used PLN tools were: Google+, LinkedIn, and Nings
  • Three tools getting most increased use: blogs, webinars, and social bookmarking

What about you, what is your favorite PLN tool?