Whether or not you are a member of the American Library Association, and no matter what your job title is, if you are involved in library work (including archives, museum, history center) you are part of the profession. The profession gathers once a year for the Annual Conference – more than 25,000 of use! And this year, we are gathering in Chicago!
June 22 – 27, the library people of the US (and many other countries across the globe) will descend on Chicago – ready to talk library work, to meet other people who do things they do, and to have a lot of library-related fun!!
Check out their website to get all the details about the conference, and see what kinds of events might speak to your professional interests!
CMLE members – we are passing this on to give you a chance to share your views on the tools the profession is providing for you to help you advocate. As you know, at CMLE Headquarters we are BIG fans of advocacy!! And we recognize it’s tough to do alone. So we provide some resources, and so does the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC).
Is it what you need?? Share your views, to make things better for everyone!
In the Middle Ages, creating a book could take years. A scribe would bend over his copy table, illuminated only by natural light—candles were too big a risk to the books—and spend hours each day forming letters, by hand, careful never to make an error. To be a copyist, wrote one scribe, was painful: “It extinguishes the light from the eyes, it bends the back, it crushes the viscera and the ribs, it brings forth pain to the kidneys, and weariness to the whole body.”
From the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL):
The ACRL Instruction Section, Instructional Technologies Committee, has published their latest Tips and Trends article, “Digital Labs,” written by Suzanne Julian and Patricia McPherson. Tips and Trends introduces and discusses new, emerging or even familiar technologies that can be used in library instruction. In the latest installment, learn about digital labs in academic libraries, the services they provide and how they can benefit library instruction. “Digital Labs” is freely available at http://bit.ly/tipsandtrendsfa16.
Our committee would like to see what’s happening at the digital lab in your library and invite you to share images to our Digital Labs album. We developed this album because we wanted to create a resource for digital lab personnel to highlight their space and a forum where those considering developing a digital lab or makerspace can turn to for ideas or inspiration. We welcome your contributions and encourage you to share it with colleagues who might want to share their work.
After talking with several of our members, I know that collecting and recommending books that adequately speak to the American Indian experience is important – and a challenge! We want to be sure we are passing on the best information to our patrons and community members; so it is good to get some expert advice.