CMLE members – we are passing on a survey for you to complete. Being part of a profession has many rewards, and also some responsibilities; and that includes sharing your ideas with your professional colleagues! So if you have info to share – here is your chance!
Dear Colleagues:
For a session at the upcoming Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference in April, we are asking for your assistance to provide direction for our discussion about how license agreements are managed and retained in libraries. Please take a few minutes to complete a brief survey (no more than 10 minutes) to share your views and experiences with license agreements.
Please click on the link below to access the survey. We need a response by March 6.
For more information about the ER&L conference, visit the conference website:
Thank you for your time.
Susan & Betsy
Susan Davis Betsy Appleton
Interim Head of Acquisitions Electronic Resources Librarian
University at Buffalo (SUNY) St. Edward’s University
134 Lockwood Library Munday Library
Buffalo, NY 14260-2210 Austin, TX 78704
716-645-2784 512-233-1679
716-645-5955 fax