Category Archives: CMLE

Day Fourteen of the CMLE Summer Fun Library Tour!

Peregrine Falcon (3938274380)

Libraries do all kinds of interesting things. And the Evanston Public Library has a very unique service for their community: a live camera on a pair of nesting peregrine falcons!

“Peregrine falcons have been nesting at the library since 2004. They occupy the nest (scrape) from March until June each year. There is an Evanston Peregrine Falcon Watch group for posting and sharing news and observations of the Evanston Peregrine Falcons.  Scientists from the Field Museum’s Chicago Peregrine Program band the young falcons each year.”

There are two newly-hatched baby falcons in the scrape right now, being sat on by the parents alternately. Pretty soon they will be big enough to stay warm on their own, and the parents will sit on the edge of the ledge where they are nested. Then you will see the parents bring assorted delicacies, including tasty pigeon parts (yum!).

The camera is inside the library’s third floor, and if patrons get too loud you might see the parents flapping and sending threatening looks in the window to shush them! Librarians may not focus on shushing people anymore (and good riddance to that antiquated practice!), but raising baby falcons gives these parents a different perspective.

Evanston is a wonderful library – I’ve visited it several times and even went to the very first falcon banding day! (Baby falcons are banded and given a quick check by staff of Chicago’s Field Museum; it’s so fun!) You can hear about some of their great programs in our podcast episode number four (available on iTunes or other podcast app; or on our website!), where they were our Spotlight Library of the week!

Summer is great for Continuing Education!

It can be hard to find the time for growing your professional skills and connections, but CMLE is here to help! We maintain this calendar full of many opportunities for Continuing Education classes, webinars, and conferences.

Remember, we also offer scholarships to make it possible for you to take advantage of these learning opportunities!

Take a look at the calendar which is located on our Continuing Education page and is updated often with new learning opportunities. We include a variety of events like webinars, online courses, in-person conferences, workshops, and yes, even free opportunities!

The page also has links to organizations like Library Juice, TIES, and the AASL’s eAcademy that offer their own training and development opportunities.

Make Continuing Education a priority this summer, and you will have some great new knowledge and skills to bring to your library in the fall! (Of course, if you are a year-round library person, you can put your new skills to work right away! 🙂 )

Thanks to the Lake Superior Libraries Symposium!

Before I attended this year’s Lake Superior Libraries Symposium, I was told repeatedly how much fun I would have and how much I would like my fellow attendees. I was suspicious: maybe I wouldn’t have fun, and after getting my hopes up, maybe they would be crushed a little extra.

Fortunately, that was absolutely NOT the case – it was great!

I have been to a lot of conferences, all over the place; and I inevitably spend what seems like hours driving around the venue looking for a place to park where I can be reasonably sure my car will still be there when I get back. Then I discover I missed a pre-conference event, or I can’t find the registration area, or any number of other disasters caused by poor planning

NONE of that happened here! Not only was everything easy to find, but the organizing committee kept us well informed – even sending out maps of the parking area where we could park, stationing people to wave signs at us, and providing a constant series of directions and information before, during, and after the conference! It was wonderful! Continue reading Thanks to the Lake Superior Libraries Symposium!

Day Thirteen of the CMLE Summer Fun Library Tour!

You have had “those” days – the days when things keep going wrong, disasters just follow you around, and you get to the point where you just want all the bad things to just stop.

Summertime is filled with fun things, but can still add stress to your life!

The Internet is here to help you!

This is a very low-stress site, easy to use, and will help you to feel better right away: click the Make Everything Okay button, and just wait.

Feel better? Us too!

Check out the tag “Summer Fun Library Tour” on our site to read our entire fun series!


Vote Early, Vote Often: It’s the LOL Podcast Awards!

We have had such fun making Season One of our Linking Our Libraries podcast! It has been great to read about so many neat libraries, so many great projects, and to get such good feedback from our listeners!

We started out to explore libraries, and to find information that would be useful to our members. As we get ready to wrap up Season One (the final episode drops Thursday Jun 15!), we are even MORE excited about libraries and all the great things happening here!

But it’s not just a lovely summertime season, it’s also festive Award Season here at Linking Our Libraries – and you are invited to join the party!!

We have enjoyed all of our topics and all of our Guest Hosts, and are already looking forward to Season Two. To celebrate the libraries and topics we covered, we are asking you to vote for the awards for our Season One LOL Award Show!

Vote for the awards you find most worthy, and you can add in your own award at the end. If we like it too, we will add it into our podcast episode which will be available Thursday June 29!

Thanks for listening and for supporting our podcast!

Remember: Vote Early, Vote Often!! We want to hear from you!