Category Archives: Programs

New Workshop: Bikes in Libraries: A Practical Guide

Bikes in Libraries: A Practical Guide Workshop

“CHICAGO—ALA Publishing eLearning Solutions announces an exciting new workshop, Bikes in Libraries: A Practical Guide with Mana Tominaga and Emily Weak. This workshop will last 90 minutes and take place Wednesday, June 21, 2017, at 2:30pm Eastern/1:30pm Central/12:30pm Mountain/11:30am Pacific

Bikes in Libraries: A Practical Guide Workshop
A 90-minute workshop, Wednesday, June 21, 2017, 2:30pm Eastern/1:30 Central/12:30 Mountain/11:30am Pacific

Whether you’re in a big city or a small town, chances are you are seeing more bike lanes on your streets and more helmets on heads. For libraries, there are clear benefits for getting involved in the biking world including making libraries friendlier to existing biking patrons and bringing in new patrons through programs and outreach.

In this workshop, Mana Tominaga and Emily Weak of the Oakland Public Library—both avid cyclists—will show you how bikes can enhance your library’s participation in your community’s vision for health and sustainability and help forge strong local connections. You’ll come away from this workshop with practical strategies to make your library more bike friendly and more bike focused.

Continue reading New Workshop: Bikes in Libraries: A Practical Guide

MALF Invites Applications For Two Major ‘Friends’ Awards

Image result for Minnesota Association of Library Friends

“The Minnesota Association of Library Friends invites your applications for the 2017 cycles of our two most popular Friends of the Library awards.

First up is our flagship prize, the Evy Nordley Award for Best Project.

Minnesota libraries treasure Friends of the Library groups not only for the financial support they provide, but for the original ideas and innovative projects they generate on behalf of the library and its goals. MALF recognizes this fact each year with the Evy Nordley program.

Continue reading MALF Invites Applications For Two Major ‘Friends’ Awards

Suggestions needed for D&D Programs!

File:Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition logo.svg

From a library listserve – if you have any other suggestions can be posted to comments!

“A coworker of mine (who is not a programmer) wants to host a recurring D&D program for people to come and play on a drop-in basis. I have zero experience with this game, as I don’t play, and I’m curious to know if anyone else has hosted D&D programs on a recurring basis? Is it more efficient to host it often or more like once a month? I’m not sure how often to host this program, and I’m concerned because typically, recurring program series haven’t done well at our library.

Any advice/tips would be welcome!”

Continue reading Suggestions needed for D&D Programs!

Invitation to free webinar on movement-based programs in public libraries

From researcher Noah Lenstra:

“Thank you for earlier this year completing the survey on Movement-Based Programs in Public Libraries, or for expressing interest in this project.

I am emailing to invite you to participate in a free, one hour webinar open to all on June 7, 2017, at 1 p.m. Eastern Time, during which the preliminary results from this survey will be shared. Please share this announcement widely. All are welcome to participate.”

Follow this link to register for the webinar:
Register for the webinar

Event: Webinar on Let’s Move in Libraries: Movement-Based Programs in Public Libraries Continue reading Invitation to free webinar on movement-based programs in public libraries

Library-Social Work Collaboration survey

“Help us help you!”

“Please complete this survey for our forthcoming book on library-social work collaboration by Saturday, April 22, 2017: 

Completing this survey will:

  • Tell us what librarians and social workers already know (or don’t know) about library-social work collaboration, so we can shape the content of the book to your needs.
  • Give you a frame for self-assessment: your answers can point you to where you can learn more.
  • Provide the opportunity for you to connect with us and share your library’s story in a case study (optional).

Please see this letter for more information on the survey. The book on Whole Person Librarianship will be published by Libraries Unlimited, likely in 2019.

Please email us if you have any questions. Thanks for your help!”

Sara Zettervall, MLIS
Founder, Whole Person Librarianship
Librarian, Hennepin County Library

Mary Nienow, MSW, PhD Candidate
Adjunct Instructor
Assistant Professor (August 1, 2017)
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire