Category Archives: Public

No Cost Training Solutions

Are you a trainer seeking training? In January, CMLE highlighted an organization call WebJunction. As a learning site for libraries they provide online, self-paced courses to all members of the Minnesota library community. Each month you can elect to add a new course(s) to your professional development portfolio at no cost.

Here is a sample of this month’s FREE program:

Image provided by WebJunction
  • How Libraries can meet the Evolving Needs of Patrons in the Digital Age
  • The Future of Online Learning: a changing landscape
  • Self-Directed Achievement: if you give library staff an hour…

You can also take a sneak peek at the complete list of more than forty courses offered by WebJunction.

It’s a Wrap-ALA!

For those of you who weren’t able to attend the Midwinter conference in Seattle hosted by the American Library Association (ALA) here is a FREE 60 minute webinar! This Friday, February 8th, an expert panel will analyze and discuss library technology trends from the conference. Click here to register.

Panelists: Jason Griffey, Marshall Breeding and Sue Polanka


Register to Attend the 2013 Library Legislative Day

Mark Ranum, 2013 Legislative Chair, is now taking registrations for Library Legislative Day. Details below and the link for registration is at the bottom.

2013 MLA/MEMO Library Legislative Day

The 2013 MLA/MEMO Library Legislative Day is an opportunity for library advocates (you, your staff and board, your patrons, other library lovers) to gather at the Minnesota State Capitol to show support and raise awareness of issues for libraries.

Attendees should make appointments to meet as many of their Representatives and Senators as possible to remind them of the importance of libraries to the success of the communities in their district. The MLA/MEMO Platform and accompanying Talking Points will be available to help guide attendees in their advocacy.

More than anything, legislators need to see that their constituents value libraries and be reminded that they should, too.

2013 event features:

  • Price: Acknowledging the pinch on personal and organizational budgets these days, there is NO REGISTRATION FEE. The meeting includes a briefing the evening before. We hope that having no fee will encourage a large turnout—especially critical in this time when money is scarce.
  • Lunch: Lunch is on your own. There are several venues within easy reach of the Capitol building, including the Sweetwater Grille & Bar in the Kelly Inn and fast food restaurants. Many buildings in the Capitol complex have their own cafeterias. The Capitol cafeteria is in the basement and is closed when the Legislature is not in session. The Transportation and Centennial Building cafeterias are on the ground floor of each building. The Veterans Service Building cafeteria is on the fifth floor. Menus are available online. The Capitol also has a snack bar on the second floor (where the House and Senate chambers are located) during the session.
  • Location: This year, the meeting will again be at the Best Western Kelly Inn St. Paul Hotel (161 Saint Anthony Ave, St. Paul, MN 55103).
  • Lodging: Save time and stay overnight at the Best Western Kelly Inn St. Paul Hotel. There is a small block of rooms being held for our group. Please contact the Best Western Kelly Inn St. Paul Hotel at 651-227-8711. Reference the 2013 MLA/MEMO Library Legislative Day to get the best rate.
  • Parking: Parking at the Best Western Kelly Inn St. Paul is free and on a first come, first served basis.

There are many advocacy groups that legislators hear from. If libraries are not well represented, funding may go elsewhere. Please register now and join us.

Mark Ranum
2013 Legislative Chair

Event Details


5:00pm on Tuesday, March 5, 2013


4:00pm on Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Tuesday, March 5, 2013 (St. Anthony Room)
5:00–5:30pm Registration
5:30–6:30pm Legislative Briefing (hors d’oeuvres will be served)

 Wednesday, March 6, 2013 (Sibly Room)

8:00am–1:00pm Registration
9:00–10:00am Legislative Briefing (repeat of Tuesday)
10:00am–4:00pm 2013 MLA/MEMO Library Legislative Day


Best Western Kelly Inn

161 Saint Anthony Ave

St. Paul, MN 55103

See map: Google Maps


–       FREE for MEMO and MLA members


11:59pm on Friday, March 1, 2013


Educator Finds Twitter Rewarding!

In her blog Canadian teacher, Lisa Noble, lists three very different ways Twitter made a difference in her life.  1) Among her peers she was able to stay connected with the latest labor union news.  2) In her class the students are able to view real-time images and information feeds sent from astronaut Chris Hadfield’s during his amazing space expedition. 3) After hearing about a science project, through her Professional Learning Network (PLN), Lisa tweeted about the need to find a less expensive alternative for materials her family could use to create electrically powered inventions. You may be surprised at how “tweets” rewarded her. Click here to read more.

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