Tag Archives: CFP

CFP: Improving Library Services in Support of International Students and English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners

CMLE members: I know many of you are working with international patrons, and patrons who are emerging bilingual/English is their second language. This is a good opportunity to share your work with other people! If you would like some help with this proposal, or with writing about your work – just check in with us at CMLE Headquarters! We are always available to help you with research, writing, conference proposals, or anything else you might need!

Call for Chapter Proposals 

Improving Library Services in Support of International Students and English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners (working title) 

Editors – Leila Rod-Welch & Kendra Skellen 
Proposal submission deadline: April 30, 2017   
Continue reading CFP: Improving Library Services in Support of International Students and English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners

Call for posters!

ALCTS Exchange – May 2017

From the Association for Library Collection and Technical Services group:

Hurry, registration and virtual poster presentation deadlines quickly approaching!

March 15 – Early-Bird Deadline

The early-bird registration deadline for the first-ever, fully online forum from ALCTS is March 15. Register by March 15 to save on registration costs. Learn more and register.


March 17 – Virtual Poster Proposals Deadline

The ALCTS Exchange is now accepting virtual posters for two virtual poster presentation opportunities. Virtual posters highlighting work that addresses the intersections of collections and technical services and diversity and inclusion will be accepted until March 17. Learn more and submit your virtual poster.

Continue reading Call for posters!

Call for proposals – case studies for distance education book

Lighthouse Ameland distance
We are passing on this call for chapters by people working with distance patrons. As with any call, grant proposal, or policy – if you are interested but not sure how to get started, you can contact us at CMLE Headquarters. We are ready to help you with ideas, writing, and editing of your work, to support you in offering interesting new ideas to the profession or to your community!

Call for Proposals:

Book Title: Library Services for Online Patrons: A Manual for Facilitating Access, Learning, and Engagement

Publication spring/summer 2018, ABC-CLIO/ Libraries Unlimited

Editors: Joelle Pitts, Laura Bonella, Jason Coleman | Kansas State University Libraries Continue reading Call for proposals – case studies for distance education book

Going to ALA? Make a video to apply for a travel award!

Do you know about the ALA Sustainability Round Table (SustainRT)?  Not a SustainRT member? Log into your ALA Connect account and add us to your ALA membership. It’s only $10 to join and right now, SustainRT is looking to grant a $500 Travel Award to one individual (must be member of SustainRT) for the purpose of attending ALA Annual 2017.  The award will come in the form of a reimbursement and may be applied to travel, lodging or conference registration expenses. The theme for this year’s award is “Green is the new Black.” Applicants are invited to submit a 60 second (or less) video explaining how libraries can empower their customers and communities toward a greener, more sustainable future. Creativity is encouraged!  Deadline for submissions is 11:59 PM on March 15, 2017. The Travel Award committee will select the top three videos and post them to the SustainRT Facebook page by March 22, 2017. The video to receive the most “likes” by 11:59 PM on March 31, 2017 will win the $500 Travel Award (in the event of a tie, the Travel Award judges determine the winner). The winner of the Travel Award will be announced on the SustainRT blog (http://olos.ala.org/sustainrt/)on April 1, 2017. To submit your video, go here: https://goo.gl/forms/d9TlSae3ABkQKHdy2

Continue reading Going to ALA? Make a video to apply for a travel award!

Journal of Academic Librarianship: call for column contributors

We know that several of our CMLE members are working with technology, so wanted to pass on this call for contributors to  a column for the Journal of Academic Librarianship, Even if you are not working in an academic library, you may still have experience that would be valuable for this audience. I would guess there would be interest in the work high school library people are doing to get students ready for higher education of all sorts. And of course people working with technology in college libraries of all types would have something valuable to contribute.

If you are interested, but but not sure where to start; feel free to check in with us at CMLE Headquarters! We can help brainstorm ideas, get your work outlined, and help edit before you submit it.

Share your ideas and your experience with the profession!! Your voice is valuable and important to hear!

Continue reading Journal of Academic Librarianship: call for column contributors