Tag Archives: instruction

Best Prep Technology Integration Workshop for School Library people

This sounds like it may be an interesting program this summer! Remember: we have a scholarship available for up to $300 to help you attend training.

“Dear ITEM Members: Each summer, Best Prep offers their Technology Integration Workshop. This is a week-long workshop open to K-12 educators. What makes it unique is that each participant gets to be paired with a business so you can learn about the world of work where many of your students will be headed in the coming years. I encourage you to check out this great professional development opportunity, especially if you are looking for something unique to add to your professional development portfolio.

Mary Mehsikomer, CETL Technology Integration Development & Outreach Facilitator Minnesota E-Rate Coordinator for Schools TIES 651-999-6510 Mary.mehsikomer@ties.k12.mn.us

Here is info from the BestPrep website:

BestPrep’s Technology Integration Workshop positions technology as an essential part of the curriculum, providing the resources, strategies and knowledge to help educators integrate new technologies into the classroom. At this four-day professional development opportunity, educators learn how existing and emerging technologies can enhance lesson effectiveness and student engagement. Educators increase their technological literacy through first-hand and hands-on experiences including an impactful job shadow with a business professional.

Spend four days learning how to make your classroom come alive with the use of technology. Participants strengthen their technology integration skills, learn new technologies and witness current career and technology skills in the business world. Through presentations and breakout sessions, participants gain knowledge that is applied when modifying a unit plan to be used in the upcoming school year. The job shadow provides a glimpse into today’s workplace, an unparalleled experience. As part of their experience, each attendee creates a technology infused unit plan available to the public for viewing and use.

Find out more about the Technology Integration Workshop on this flyer and watch our short video from last year; it highlights the keynote speakers, breakout sessions and all that our educators learned.

Designing Your Online Course: Learning From an Expert


“Online courses, open educational resources (OER) and virtual schools are all the rage nowadays.

Christine Voelker teaches other teachers how to build their own online courses.  She’s the K–12 program director for Quality Matters, a nonprofit educational organization based in Annapolis, MD.

Voelker’s got a background in childhood education and library science. She has also helped start libraries and three brand new schools — one elementary, one middle and one high school. Plus, she has extensive experience in starting and maintaining online courses. At the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) conference in San Antonio, TX, she will be presenting “Designing Your Online Course” Sunday, June 25 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Preregistration and an additional fee ($239) is required.

Continue reading Designing Your Online Course: Learning From an Expert

Digital Learning Objects survey

Framework NETP
Does your library use Digital Learning Objects (videos, podcasts, tutorials, etc.) as part of your instruction program? We are interested in what motivates the decision to re-use an existing DLO or to create a new one, and we’d love to hear from you. We are running a survey aimed at anyone involved with developing or using DLOs for library instruction. This survey should not take longer than 30 minutes and has been IRB approved by Marquette University (WI). You can find the survey at the following link: https://marquette.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9ExZNzKZMZ1ulKd

This survey will close on March 31, 2017.

If you have any questions about this research project, please contact Heather James (heather.james@marquette.edu), Elizabeth Gibes (elizabeth.gibes@marquette.edu), or Eric Kowalik (eric.kowalik@marquette.edu).

Thank you for considering!

Heather James

Coordinator, Scholarly Communication & Digital Programs

Raynor Memorial Libraries

Marquette University


Recommended Ed Tech Tool: DigitalLearn!

Some rights reserved by Wikimedia Foundation
Some rights reserved by Wikimedia Foundation

Digital Learn.org is a new beta website-launched this month!

If you have learners that struggle with the computer basics this site is for you. It provides free tools, techniques and tips to help build confidence with technology (email, internet searching, etc.) It is sponsored by the Public Libraries Association (PLA) and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, however the tutorials can be viewed by any patron looking for help.

The main page is divided into two sections, one for the patrons (learn) and the other for support staff  (help learners).  The link for support staff will take you to a form to request additional information about future services and tools; so for a quick application of this ed-tech tool the “learn” tab will be extremely useful.

Please keep in mind that because this is a new beta site, the contents will continue to grow over time!

Google Helps with Online Searching

Did you know that Google has an instructional site for digital literacy? Google’s Search Education provides resources, lesson plans, activities and advice for students and teachers alike. Individual categories of assistance provided include: Lesson Plans and Activities aligned to Common Core Standards, free self-paced “Power Searching” tips, “Google a Day” challenges or quizzes, and live or recorded webinars. To learn more visit Google Search Education and EdTech’s article on the topic.