Tag Archives: stress management

How being mindful can help your work as a librarian

We’d all like to have more inner peace and behave with more kindness and patience as we go through our day, right? Life in the library field can be stressful and exhausting with constant demands from students, patrons, supervisors. or stakeholders. This article from American Libraries is all about mindful librarianship and how learning to practice mindfulness has helped some librarians with their work lives.

What is mindfulness, anyway? According to the American Psychological Association it is the “moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience without judgment.” Through the use of breathing exercises and meditation, the goal is to be in the moment without worries or distractions.

Being able to be mindful while working in a library can have huge benefits, particularly in relation to stress. If you work in a library, you know that things aren’t always smooth and easy, especially when there is too much work to do and too little time in which to do it! The article acknowledges that “many librarians feel that they are spread increasingly thin on the job, yet their performance often depends on their ability to maintain focus amid a flurry of responsibilities. That’s something with which mindfulness can help.”

Read more about the benefits of practicing mindfulness as a library person here.

And if you want to know more, check out CMLE’s past series on mindfulness and see if the practice is beneficial to you!

A furry visitor to CMLE HQ!

At CMLE, we love animals and recognize the positive impact they can have in the workplace!

That’s why we decided to have a special visitor come in last week – my greyhound, Lady Grey!

She was a very calming presence in the office, as we encountered some technology challenges, and also made many new friends who were happy to come give her lots of attention!

As you can see, Lady Grey did a great job supervising our CMLE office! She will likely come back to visit, and we will let you know when that happens, if you’d like to come say hello! She loves new friends, especially when they are library people 🙂


Strategies for reducing stress in your library

Let’s make libraries better!

Working in libraries can be surprisingly stressful. Well, not surprising to those of us who are there, working with ever-evolving patron needs, with short budgets and staff, and everything that comes with these pressures. The constant series of people who, when they find out where you work, exclaim “I wish I worked in a library so I could read books all day!” does not help!

I have talked about this topic here, and when I chat with people in person during site visits. This is something I have researched in different types of libraries, talked about at conferences, and published articles looking at it. People are always surprised when I tell them this is such a widespread issue. Inevitably, someone whispers to me that they thought they were the only one.

If you are stressed at work: You Are Not Alone!! (If you are not stressed in your library workplace at least some of the time – you might be alone in that.)

Of course, working in a library is wonderful! We do great things, we have fulfilling work, and we are generally lovely people! Libraries are amazing places, filled with all kinds of fascinating materials and programs, and staffed with interesting and fun people. I truly believe this is true, and would not work anywhere outside the library field!

But that does not mean what we do is not stressful, or that the workplaces we are in are not stressful. Continue reading Strategies for reducing stress in your library

Audio stress management tools


soothing sounds provide solace

This month we are working through a variety of strategies  to help build your reliance to stress, and to manage your workplace stress levels. Your sense of sound is a powerful one; and with some thoughtful strategies, you can use that to help reduce the stress you feel at work.

We have looked at using ambient noise as a strategy for helping you to be more focused and effective at work.Building on that now gives you some tools to specifically feel more relaxed as you listen. Everyone has different preferences, so what makes you feel calm might irritate other people in your office. So use headphones if you need to keep things quiet, but try to build in some time to listen to soothing sounds when things start to build up at work

One tool you might enjoy is the website Noisli. “Noisli is here to make you more focused and boost your productivity. A background noise generator that helps you drown out annoying noises and that lets you create your perfect environment for working and relaxing. You can mix different sounds and create your perfect sound environment tailored to your personal need and taste.” I enjoy mixing in ocean waves, crackling fire, and just a hint of wind. Noisli can be used on your computer, or with an app on your phone. You can also enjoy the changing colors on the background, if you are watching the site. Continue reading Audio stress management tools

Animals and stress relief

Animals can be great antidote to workplace stress!

Watching fish swim, patting a kitty, walking with a dog – it can all help to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and diminish the symptoms of anxiety. Ahhhh….what could be nicer?

If your library has a fish tank, or a resident cat, or a therapy dog who visits and wouldn’t mind taking a break from listening to kids read so she can listen to librarians talk about their day – you are set! If you don’t have one at hand, there are plenty of other ways to watch some relaxing fish. Many aquariums have live cams, where you can enjoy watching some fish swimming all over the world!


Continue reading Animals and stress relief