2014 Ed Tech Trends

Image by Mosi. Retrieved from Flickr. Used under Creative Commons' licensing.
Image by Mosi. Retrieved from Flickr. Used under Creative Commons’ licensing.

It is easy to see how ed tech trends cut across all types of libraries. As K-12 students experience more tech integration in their classrooms, it affects how they approach learning, and flavors the experience they expect at the public library and upon entering college too. Some of our medical librarians feel the increased expectations too for digital learning objects and more integrated information sources. The short list of seven ed tech trends shared by iLibrarian recently are listed below, but don’t stop there, see her blog post which includes  infographics and more information on all of these trends.

  1. 3 D Printing
  2. MOOCs
  3. Big Data
  4. Digital Textbooks
  5. Gamification
  6. The Flipped Classroom
  7. Mobile Learning