Tag Archives: ACRL

Call for First-Time ALA Annual 2017 Attendees: ACRL Buddy Program

“Are you planning to attend your first ALA Annual Conference? First-time attendees are invited to sign up for a conference buddy who can guide you through selecting conference sessions, navigating conference venues, and answer any other questions you might have. This is a great way to learn about ACRL and expand your professional network!

How much time are we talking? It’s up to you. We suggest the buddy/mentor make the first contact after initially signing up and go from there. You may want to meet up at the ACRL 101 on Saturday, June 24, from 8:30-10:00 a.m. at the Hilton Chicago, Continental C (a great start for newbies, and refresher for veterans), the Exhibit Opening Reception on Friday, June 24, from 5:30-7:00 p.m., or meet for coffee.

You might meet up with your buddy just once, or a few times throughout the conference. The intent is primarily for helping orient the new person to the event and helping them feel comfortable (we were all new once!).

Interested? Sign up now! The deadline is Wednesday, June 14.​

Want to be a buddy/mentor for a first-time attendee? Stay tuned. A call for mentors will be coming soon.

Steven Bell
Associate University Librarian

Temple University Libraries

Member, ACRL Membership Committee”

ACRL IS Management & Leadership Committee Online Professional Development opportunities

The ACRL Instruction Section Management & Leadership Committee is excited to announce our spring online professional development series.  Two of our three online webinars on topics of interest to instruction coordinators and library staff with instruction responsibilities are listed below.   The third will be announced soon.  We hope you can join us for any or all of these free events.


Michele Ostrow, Chair, ACRL IS Management & Leadership Committee on behalf of the Committee

Accessibility in Teaching with Technology

Monday, May 1, 2017, 1pm-2pm Eastern Standard Time

Register for this free event here

Continue reading ACRL IS Management & Leadership Committee Online Professional Development opportunities

Let’s Build Together: Minnesota Librarians Implementing the ACRL Information Literacy Framework

ARLD Day Pre-Conference Workshop

When: 4/27/2017, 1-5pm

Where: Maplewood Public Library, Community Program Room

Description: Unsure about how to move ahead with the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy at your institution? Join the Minnesota Library Association Instruction Roundtable (IRT) for an interactive workshop designed to help you plan the next steps for your instruction program or individual teaching practice. This workshop is an opportunity to learn more about the rationale and philosophy behind the Framework, draw from the frames to develop student learning outcomes and assessment tools, discuss using the Framework for faculty outreach, and find out how other Minnesota librarians are putting the Framework into practice. After the workshop, attendees will be invited to participate in IRT’s ACRL Framework “23 Things” online program, an opportunity to utilize and implement the Framework through readings and activities while sharing your progress with colleagues across Minnesota.

Continue reading Let’s Build Together: Minnesota Librarians Implementing the ACRL Information Literacy Framework

Let’s Build Together: Minnesota Librarians Implementing the ACRL Information Literacy Framework

ARLD Day Pre-Conference Workshop

When: 4/27/2017, 1-5pm

Where: Maplewood Public Library, Community Program Room

Description: Unsure about how to move ahead with the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy at your institution? Join the Minnesota Library Association Instruction Roundtable (IRT) for an interactive workshop designed to help you plan the next steps for your instruction program or individual teaching practice. This workshop is an opportunity to learn more about the rationale and philosophy behind the Framework, draw from the frames to develop student learning outcomes and assessment tools, discuss using the Framework for faculty outreach, and find out how other Minnesota librarians are putting the Framework into practice. After the workshop, attendees will be invited to participate in IRT’s ACRL Framework “23 Things” online program, an opportunity to utilize and implement the Framework through readings and activities while sharing your progress with colleagues across Minnesota.
Continue reading Let’s Build Together: Minnesota Librarians Implementing the ACRL Information Literacy Framework

Online Round Table: Distance Learning!

Desktop computer clipart - Yellow theme
The ACRL Distance Learning Section Discussion Group invites you to join us for the next DLS Round Table Discussion!

A large portion of distance librarianship depends on teaching, supporting, and collaborating with students asynchronously. Motivation, engagement, and participation in asynchronous courses was the focus of our first round table discussion. Now we would like to expand upon our strategies for assessing these interactions – both assessing student learning outcomes as well as keeping track of our interactions.

We encourage new and experienced librarians to take part in this discussion. These discussions are about learning and sharing. You will be a valuable addition whether you are just getting started or you have all the answers.

Register to participate in this interactive session now! Participation is limited to the first 90 registrants!!


Please send any questions to the DLS Discussion Group Co-Chairs, Kristin Heathcock (kheathcock@hccfl.edu) and Lindsey Wharton (lwharton@fsu.edu)